Struggling To Get Fully Booked Without Burning Out?

Meet Smily.

The #1 European Property Management Software for all Short-Term Rental Managers & Concierges

World Class Property Managers
Love Using Smily

See For Yourself...
Lauren Jacob
Lauren Jacob

Smily's artificial intelligence makes it easier for our real estate agents to respond to guest reviews, saving time. The responses are faultless, full of ideas, personalized and well adapted to each traveler's opinion.

Tim Andrews
Tim Andrews
OVO Network

Smily makes payment handling a breeze. I especially love that Vrbo payments are directly processed by our owners’ gateways.

Chloé Fournier
Chloé Fournier

It is very satisfying to have people who know the business perfectly well and who are there to provide us with real answers. It’s pretty cool too! Simple and visual. We love using it.

So, Why A Channel Manager?

Let’s face it — relying on a single platform like Airbnb is risky—like carrying all your eggs in one basket. Unexpected rule changes can jeopardize your occupancy rates.

That’s Where A “Channel Manager” Comes In.

A channel manager actively lists your vacation rental properties across multiple platforms, including Airbnb,, and Vrbo, which minimizes risks and maximizes revenue opportunities. This strategic approach not only shields your business from market fluctuations but also boosts your revenue, ensuring your operations remain profitable and resilient.

The Channel Manager Is The Secret To Your Vacation Rental Success

Without A Channel Manager

Few bookings
Struggling financially
No repeat travelers

With A Channel Manager

Stream of bookings
Financial freedom
Loyal repeat travelers
Opposite of sadness
Do You Like Feeling The Opposite Of Sadness?

Then Schedule For A Smily Demo Today!

Smily “Channels” Travelers To You!

We’re the original channel manager and the first ever platform designed to get travelers from OTAs like Airbnb,, and Vrbo to book instantly without the risk of double bookings… and bring them to your properties!

If you’ve ever been on one of those sites, and you booked a vacation rental instantly… chances are — if they know what they’re doing — the property you booked, was probably from one of our property owners or managers!

Did you know? When Smily first launched, we were not just innovators but also our very own test case. Starting with a family portfolio of 36 properties, we boosted our occupancy by 30% in just the first year!

And today? Our customers are seeing an average revenue increase of 40%. Yes, it really works that well!
But That’s Not All Smily Does...

Smily Provides All You Need To
Manage, Book, and Grow
Your Vacation Rentals Online…

All In One Convenient Spot!
Smily is...

Your Channel Manager

Managing vacation rentals used to be chaotic, juggling multiple platforms and inconsistent pricing. Now, streamline everything with real-time synchronization and tailored pricing strategies using Smily's Channel Manager.

With Channel Managers, you can:

List your properties on over 1000+ websites.
Prevent double bookings and maintain accurate, consistent pricing across all platforms.
Tailor pricing strategies for each OTA, ensuring competitive and profitable rates.
Smily is...

Your Payment Solution

Eliminate high costs and complexity with Smily’s Payment Solutions, ensuring compliance, clarity, and savings in every transaction.

With Payment Solutions, you can:

Get lower rates and eliminate financial headaches.
Visualize detailed, understandable financial reporting.
Rest assured to be GDPR and PCI-DSS compliance secured.
Smily is...

Your Unified Inbox

Struggle no more with scattered communications! Smily's unified platform ensures no urgent message goes unnoticed, making guest interaction delightfully simple and effective.

With Unified Inbox, you can:

Manage all messages in one place. From Airbnb,, Vrbo, and more.
Make sure you never miss an urgent guest message.
Get rapid access to guest and booking info.
Smily is...

Your Email Marketing

Struggling with ineffective email marketing? Smily's solution boosts deliverability, enhances brand representation, and supports multilingual communication, transforming your marketing challenges into opportunities for growth.

With Email Marketing, you can:

Avoid spam filters, ensuring your emails reach their target.
Send emails that truly represent your brand’s voice and ethos.
Communicate effortlessly across different languages, expanding your reach.
Smily is...

Your Direct Booking Website

Transform your vacation rentals into guest magnets! A direct booking website enhances loyalty, cuts fees, and matches your unique brand.

With Direct Booking Websites, you can:

Keep more profit, no more OTA fees.
Tailor everything to your brand’s style.
Improve guest interaction, enhances loyalty.
Smily is...

Your Performance Dashboard

Struggling to gauge your rental business's health? Our Performance Dashboard offers instant clarity, driving informed decisions and maximizing profitability.

With Performance Dashboard, you can:

Check metrics revealed in seconds for swift management.
Visualize year-on-year data at a glance.
Track occupancy, finances, and traveler satisfaction seamlessly.

Smily Gives You Everything You Need For Vacation Rentals Management

Plus Channel Management To Get Travelers To Find You!

Channel Manager

Enhance visibility, control pricing, and prevent overbookings effectively.

Payment Solutions

Streamline payments, reduce fees, and enhance payment security.

Smily AI

AI-powered vacation rental management: Seamless, intuitive, and effective.

Revenue Management

Maximize profits with dynamic pricing and advanced yield management.

Task Management

Experience seamless task management with automated workflows and real-time updates.

Performance Dashboard

Effortlessly track and improve vacation rental performance with real-time insights.

Email Marketing

Automate engaging emails with personalized, timely, and multilingual content.

Reviews Management

Streamline reviews across platforms with AI-driven management tools.


Automate guest re-engagement; elevate repeat visitor rates effortlessly.

Owners Portal

Manage properties efficiently with real-time updates and secure access.

Experience Smily's All-In-One Vacation Rental Software Today!

Join thousands of vacation rental owners and managers who are maximizing their bookings and streamlining their operations with Smily. Don't miss out on the opportunity to enhance your properties' visibility and profitability!
Trusted By Top Property Managers
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Want To Hear What Property Managers Like Yourself Have To Say About Smily?

Here You Go…
Samba Sissoko
Sissoko Conciergerie
Frédéric Boyenval
Cap d'Agde Studio
Kevin Corbier
Rock in Share
Guillaume Bossard
Bordeaux Locations SAS
Sebastien Fourault
Véronique Grau

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the total costs involved in utilizing Smily’s software for property management?
Smily's software offers an adaptable and transparent pricing model tailored to suit the dynamic needs of vacation rental managers. Our fees are primarily transaction-based (commission), aligning our incentives with yours — we succeed when you do, as our fees are tied to your bookings. Regardless of booking volume, we apply a minimum monthly fee to ensure you benefit from the best performance from our platform. This setup allows for predictable budgeting and the flexibility to manage costs effectively.Additionally, we offer various optional add-ons, giving you the freedom to customize the software's functionality according to your specific needs. This means you only pay for the features you use, ensuring cost efficiency without compromising on capability. Our goal is to provide you with all the tools you need to maximize profitability and operational efficiency, with pricing that reflects your usage and success.
How does Smily’s software integrate with existing systems for streamlined property management?
Integration simplicity is key at Smily. Our software is built to seamlessly integrate with your existing systems, whether they are for accounting, customer management, or operational logistics. We provide APIs and support for custom integrations, ensuring a smooth transition and continued efficiency in managing your properties without disrupting established workflows.
Which booking platforms are compatible with Smily’s Channel Manager?
Smily’s Channel Manager ensures your property listings are efficiently synchronized across a comprehensive array of booking platforms to maximize your exposure and booking potential. This includes not only global giants like Airbnb,, and Vrbo but also key French online travel agencies (OTAs) such as Leboncoin, Veepee, and Maeva. Furthermore, our system supports integration with specialized platforms catering to over 6000 work councils, significantly broadening your reach within the French market. This extensive compatibility helps prevent double bookings and increases your visibility among both international travelers and local French vacationers, making your property management smoother and more profitable.
What makes Smily’s direct booking website user-friendly for property managers and travelers?
Our direct booking website is crafted with both property managers and travelers in mind. It features an intuitive interface, responsive design, and customizable templates that enhance user experience. For managers, updating property information is straightforward and does not require technical skills. Travelers benefit from a smooth booking process and accessible information, enhancing their overall experience and boosting your bookings.
What support and training does Smily offer to property managers?
At Smily, we are dedicated to your success and go beyond standard support to ensure you are fully equipped to use our software effectively. We provide a comprehensive suite of training options including live webinars, detailed knowledge bases, and direct support from our Customer Success team. Additionally, we clearly stand out by offering dedicated account management. Each property manager receives personalized attention from an account manager who understands your business and is committed to helping you optimize your use of our platform. This level of personalized service ensures that you not only get answers to your questions but also proactive support in enhancing your property management practices for better profitability and efficiency.
How does Smily ensure data security and GDPR compliance in property management?
Data security and compliance with GDPR are top priorities for Smily. Our software uses state-of-the-art encryption and security protocols to protect your data and that of your guests. We are committed to maintaining high standards of compliance, providing regular updates and transparent practices that align with GDPR requirements, ensuring that your business is not only secure but also legally compliant.
What features does Smily provide for dynamic pricing and revenue management?
Smily equips vacation rental owners and managers with robust dynamic pricing and revenue management tools. Our system allows for deep customization and control over pricing strategies. While dynamic pricing adjustments based on market data are facilitated through integrations with third-party providers like PriceLabs, Beyond, and Wheelhouse, Smily itself supports advanced yield management for further pricing optimizations. This setup ensures rate synchronization across all platforms, maintaining consistency and maximizing profitability. Additionally, our API enables users to seamlessly connect their custom pricing engines, and our platform provides tools for managing Length of Stay (LOS) settings and applying special offers or seasonal markups to optimize revenue effectively.
How does Smily facilitate effective task management and communication for property managers?
Smily enhances task management and communication with a unified inbox that centralizes messages from all channels, ensuring no communication is missed. Our platform features robust task management tools to assign, track, and update tasks efficiently, promoting excellent team coordination. Integrated collaborative tools further streamline operations, making it easier to manage properties effectively and keep your team aligned and responsive.