Features / Unified Inbox

Unify Your Guest Communications: One Inbox, All Platforms

Streamline your messages across all platforms into one easy-to-manage inbox.

Why Do You Need A Unified Inbox?

Handling guest communications across diverse platforms like Airbnb, Booking.com, Vrbo, and emails can be chaotic. Smily's Unified Inbox simplifies this by centralizing all your messages into one streamlined interface. This integration helps you respond faster and more effectively, ensuring you never miss an urgent message and maintain top-notch guest relations.
Let Me Show You How It Works…

Discover the Power of Unified Inbox

Smily Provides All You Need To
Manage, Book, and Grow
Your Vacation Rentals Online…

Plus Channel Management To Get Travelers To Find You!

Channel Manager

Enhance visibility, control pricing, and prevent overbookings effectively.

Payment Solutions

Streamline payments, reduce fees, and enhance payment security.

Smily AI

AI-powered vacation rental management: Seamless, intuitive, and effective.

Revenue Management

Maximize profits with dynamic pricing and advanced yield management.

Task Management

Experience seamless task management with automated workflows and real-time updates.

Performance Dashboard

Effortlessly track and improve vacation rental performance with real-time insights.

Email Marketing

Automate engaging emails with personalized, timely, and multilingual content.

Reviews Management

Streamline reviews across platforms with AI-driven management tools.


Automate guest re-engagement; elevate repeat visitor rates effortlessly.

Owners Portal

Manage properties efficiently with real-time updates and secure access.

Start Simplifying Your Communications Today

Join thousands of vacation rental owners and managers who are maximizing their bookings and streamlining their operations with Smily. Don't miss out on the opportunity to enhance your properties' visibility and profitability!

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I miss important messages?
Our Unified Inbox is designed to prioritize and organize your communications effectively. With features like conversation assignment and internal notes, every message is tracked and managed to ensure that nothing important is overlooked.
How does the system handle high volumes of messages without causing information overload?
Our platform helps you filter and categorize messages based on urgency and other criteria. Features such as saved replies and the ability to search and filter conversations streamline management and improve response efficiency, making it easier to handle a large volume of communications.
Can I trust the security of the sensitive information exchanged in my messages?
Yes, you can. Smily takes the security of your communications and guest information very seriously. Our platform is built-in with advanced security measures to safeguard your data. We comply with the latest data protection regulations and use secure servers to manage all information securely and confidentially.
What if the technology fails or there are adaptation challenges for my team?
The Smily platform is built on robust infrastructure designed to minimize downtime and technical issues. In addition to offering comprehensive training and support resources to facilitate smooth onboarding and integration, our platform's user-friendly design ensures ease of use and seamless adaptation.
How does Unified Inbox ensure a consistent guest experience across different channels?
By consolidating messages from multiple platforms into one dashboard, our Unified Inbox enables consistent responses regardless of the communication channel. Automation features help maintain a standard quality of communication, ensuring a uniform and professional guest experience every time.