L'Avocat Investisseur

L'Avocat Investisseur

French Lawyer Dimitri Bougeard, expert in the vacation rental in France can provide you with legal advise and tax optimisation. You can also subscribe to his podcast and get monthly advise!



  • Optimise your taxes
  • Get bullet proof contracts
  • Make sure you are legal compliant
  • Make the best decisions for your business


French Lawyer Dimitri Bougeard, expert in the vacation rental in France can provide you with legal advise and tax optimisation. You can also subscribe to his podcast and get monthly advise!

- Podcast: https://ledroitdinvestir.com/offre-podcast-investissement/

- Other services: https://www.cabinet-bougeard.com/

Key features

  • Taxation optimisation
  • Legal advise
  • Investment advise
  • Real estate rights
  • Legal podcast with content such as business cases, market analysis and more
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