Leboncoin & Locasun

Leboncoin & Locasun

Locasun is part of Leboncoin, the biggest marketplace in France for online ads. Locasun is specialised in the vacation rental and allows you to reach 7 million of unique visitors per month.

Booking channels


They had 4.9M unique visitors per month on Leboncoin Vacances and 2M unique visitors per month on Locasun in 2023!


Locasun is part of Leboncoin which is a Paris-based company with over 1,400 employees.

Leboncoin began in 2006 as a B2C general marketplace and has expanded to include a variety of areas, including vacations.

Leboncoin reaches 1 in 2 French people every month, with over 29.5 million monthly users and 54 million online ads.

Key features

  • Payment taken by Locasun
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