Lighthouse (ex Transparent)

Lighthouse (ex Transparent)

Lighthouse is a vacation rental decision making platform, empowering property managers worldwide to increase their revenue and growth.

Financials Accounting


  • Forward-looking insights into market rates, occupancy, demand & supply aggregated in one easy dashboard
  • Saving endless hours
  • Allowing users to optimize their strategy to maximize their revenue


Lighthouse is a vacation rental decision making platform, empowering property managers worldwide to increase their revenue and growth.

Their industry-leading market intelligence informs optimized rates, occupancy, distribution & inventory, and is trusted by many key players. They track 32 million vacation rental listings worldwide.

Lighthouse Rate & Demand is an easy-to-use platform that gives access to all relevant factors impacting demand for your vacation rentals.

Key features

  • Insights into market rates, occupancy, demand & supply aggregated in one easy dashboard

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