PAP Vacances Forfait

PAP Vacances Forfait

PAP Vacances is a french ad website owned by the PAP group listing 25,000 properties in Europe. Owners can list their properties on PAP Vacances and reach an audience of +1 million of monthly users.

Booking channels


  • Simplified integration: all your listings are automatically published
  • Direct bookings: you own the travellers contact details to turn them into loyal customers
  • 0% commission, you just pay a fee per property per year
  • Increase your reservations by targeting a new audience


PAP Vacances is a french ad website owned by the PAP group listing 25,000 properties in Europe.

Owners can list their properties on PAP Vacances and reach an audience of +1 million of monthly users.

PAP Vacances is an exclusive partner of Smily! Thanks to this integration you can now list your properties on this channel and differentiate yourself from your competitors by targeting a new audience.

Key features

  • Synchronisation with Smily
  • Instant bookings only
  • Direct bookings: PAP redirects on your direct website payment page so you own the travellers information!

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