

Vrbo is the vacation rental division of Expedia regrouping several brands such as Abritel in France or Fewo Direkt in Germany.

Booking channels


  • By listing your property on VRBO, you'll gain access to a global audience, increasing your chances of securing bookings and generating revenue.
  • Access 750 million of visitors from the Expedia group websites.
  • Diversify your distribution! Don't rely on one single channel.


Vrbo is the vacation rental division of Expedia regrouping several brands such as Abritel in France or Fewo Direkt in Germany.

They started pairing homeowners with families looking for places to stay in 1995, and Vacation Rentals By Owner (Vrbo) was born. Since then, we’ve grown into a trusted global vacation brand with a unique selection of 2+ million whole homes all over the world. In other words, there’s room for everyone. Vrbo takes diversity and inclusion seriously, because we believe that family is everything. No matter how it takes shape.

However, Expedia and Vrbo have two different APIs.

Key features

  • Premium Host status
  • OneKey loyalty program for all Expedia websites
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